1963-65 Fairlane
To replace the fuel gauge, temperature gauge, speedometer and cluster dial, it is necessary to remove the instrument cluster assembly. 1. Disconnect battery cable and cable at speedometer head. Remove in-strument cluster wiring harness from two clips at rear of cluster.
2. Remove cluster retaining screws from instrument panel. Pull out cluster and place it on steering column. Protect column with cloth.
3. Disconnect fuel and temperature gauge wires, turn signal flasher and constant voltage regulator.
4. Remove lights from cluster.
5. Remove cluster assembly.
6. Remove screws attaching cluster to bezel and remove bezel. Instruments may then be removed.

1966 Fairlane
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove radio knobs and nuts.
3. Disconnect speedometer cable.
4. Remove screws from cluster and position it outward.
5. Disconnect bulbs, constant voltage regulator and ground wire, clock and fuel gauge.
6. Remove cluster to workbench for service required.

1967 Fairlane
1. Disconnect ground cable at battery.
2. Disconnect cable from speedometer.
3. Unfasten cluster from panel and tilt cluster forward.
4. Disconnect wiring and bulb sockets and remove cluster to workbench for service required.

1968-69 Fairlane
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove instrument panel cover.
3. Remove right instrument panel shield.
4. Unfasten cluster (5 screws) and position cluster out.
5. Disconnect speedometer cable, ta-chometer (if equipped) and multiple plug from printed circuit and remove cluster.
Cluster components are now accessible for service.



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