1963-65 Electric Type
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove switch knob and bezel.
3. Pull switch from under instrument

1966 Fairlane
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove both control knobs and disconnect washer.
3. From lower edge of cluster remove retaining screws from switches.
4. Disconnect electrical leads and remove switch assembly from instrument panel.
5. Remove screw and separate wiper and washer switches from each other including plastic bar between switches.
6. Assemble wiper and washer switches to each other including plastic bar so that when washer switch is turned on wipers will start. 7. Reverse procedure to install. 1967 Fairlane
1. Disconnect ground cable from battery.
2. Remove wiper switch control knobs.
3. From lower edge of instrument cluster, unfasten switch from panel (3 screws).
4. Disconnect switch wiring connectors from switch and remove switch.
5. Remove retaining screw and plastic bar and separate washer switch from wiper switch.
6. Reverse procedure to install.

1968-69 Fairlane
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove switch control knob and bezel nut.
3. Unplug and remove switch.
4. Reverse procedure to install.



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