Turn Signal Switch Replace on Fairlanes

Turn Signal Switch
Picture above is for a 66 Fairlane

    1963-64 Fairlane
    To remove turn signal switch the steering wheel must first be removed.
    When installing the new switch, make certain that the canceling cam on
    steering wheel makes contact with canceling pawls on switch.
    The clearance between steering wheel hub and steering shaft housing flange
    should not be more than 1/8" for proper switch canceling.
    Reposition steering shaft housing if necessary.

    1965-66 Fairlane
    1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
    2. Remove steering wheel.
    3. Disconnect two wire connector blocks at dash panel above steering column.
    4. Remove wires and terminals from connector blocks.
    NOTE: Step 4 can be done by depressing tab on wire terminal with an awl.
    Then pull wire and terminal from connector block. Be sure to record
    the color code and location of each wire before remov-ing it from connector block.
    Tape wires together and attach a piece of heavy cord to them to
    help pull wires through steering column during installation. 5. Remove turn signal lever.
    6. Remove three screws and remove bearing retainer, turn signal switch
    and wires from steering column. Dis-connect cord from wires.
    7. To install, tape ends of wires together and attach cord to wires.
    8. Pull wires down through steering column with the cord,
    and position switch to steering column hub.
    9. Complete the installation by reversing the removal procedure.

    1967 Fairlane
    1. Disconnect ground cable at battery. 2. Remove steering wheel hub.
    3. Remove horn button (3 screws). Springs will fall out.
    4. Remove steering wheel.
    5..Remove turn signal switch lever and emergency flasher control knob.
    6. Remove steering column upper collar (2 screws).
    7. Disconnect multiple connector near bottom of steering column.
    8. Remove wires and terminals from connector blocks.
    This can be done by depressing tab on wire terminal with an awl
    or with an empty ball point pen re-fill cartridge; then pull wire and
    terminal from connector block. Record color code of each
    wire before removing lrom con-nector block.
    9. Tape wires together and attach a piece of heavy cord to them to help
    pull wires through steering column during installation.
    10. Remove plastic cover from over wires.

    1968-69 Fairlane
    The emergency warning flasher switch and turn signal flasher switch are
    integral parts of the same switch assembly.
    To remove, proceed as follows:
    1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
    2. Remove steering wheel hub.
    3. Remove horn button (3 screws).
    4. Remove steering wheel.
    5. Remove turn signal switch lever and emergency flasher control knob.
    If so equipped, disconnect set speed switch wiring connector.
    6. Remove steering column upper collar (2 screws).
    7. Disconnect turn signal switch wiring multiple connector near bottom of steering column.
    It may be neces-sary to lower hand brake control and left air vent
    control on some models to provide access to turn signal wiring connector.
    8. Remove wires and terminals from connector blocks.
    This can be done by depressing the tab on the wire terminal with an awl or
    with an empty ball point pen refill cartridge, then
    pull wire and terminal from connector block. Record color code and
    location of each wire before re-moving it from connector block.
    9. Tape wires together and attach a piece of heavy cord to the wires
    to help pull them through steering column during installation.
    10. Remove plastic cover from over wires.
    11. Push lower steering column collar down. Remove wiring retainer clip.
    12. Remove switch from steering column (2 screws) and pull
    switch and wir-ing out of column. 13. Reverse procedure to install.



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